Aug 20, 2012

Wochenende in Erfurt

Ich hoffe, Ihr hattet ein dem Wetter entsprechendes Wochenende. Wir, mein Mann und ich waren für 3 Tage in Erfurt. Es war wunderbar: Blumenausstellung, Wellness, sehr schönes Hotel, sehr gut gegessen und amüsiert und geshoppt.

I hope you have great  weekend everyone. We (I and  husband)  were in Erfurt for 3 days, it was wonderful: flower show, wellness, lovely hotel, good food, shopping and enjoyed the time.

Flower girl :-)


  1. Love the mix of florals! Right on trend with everything designers are dishing out for fall! Fabulous look!

    Would love to get your thoughts on my most recent hotel renovation when you get a chance! Hope to see you soon!

    Peace. Love. LOL!

    Haute Khuuture Blog

  2. Julie Khuu- thank you, yes flowers are on trend right now.



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