Oct 25, 2013

Travels: Trento Italy

Ich habe die wunderschöne Stadt Trento noch mal besucht, war schon mal im Winter dort. Damals wurde es früh dunkel und es hat ganz anders wegen den Weltmeisterschaften ausgesehen. Ich konnte diesmal bei schönem Wetter die Stadt in Ruhe ansehen und einen Hugo trinken. Hier sind die Fotos vom Winter.  Ihr könnt das im Vergleich sehen. Allen ein schönes Wochenende!

I visited beautiful city Trento again, when I was in Winter last  February, it was already dark and looked different, may be because of the World Championships. Here are photos from winter, you can compare. This time I could see, enjoy the city and drink Hugo at lovely weather. Have a great weekend everyone!


  1. Awesome travel. Italy is one of my desired place.

  2. Thanks for sharing this! Italy is truly one of the most beautiful countries in the world. My girlfriend wants to take me there since she knows that it is where I have always wanted to go since that is where my family is from. We have been looking at some villas for rent in Tuscany since my girlfriend has told me how nice it is there. I am really looking forward to the trip this summer!

    1. Chase-welcome, I agree, Italy is the one of the most beautiful country, I should go there more often, see more cities. I wish lovely time in Italy!



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